Cant wait to discover all of the different endings!
Cant wait to discover all of the different endings!
I purchased the app a few weeks ago and find it to be very entertaining. The story is simple but engaging. Positive dice roll outcome is rewarding although, at times I felt that a negative dice roll on crucial spots would ruin the game experience for me later on, so it is a mix of good luck and "correct" decision making. I also felt that no matter how many times I tried different decision paths some outcomes were inevitable. I havent finished the book yet and I am playing it bookworm mode which is fairly enjoyable. This is a gamebook adventure worth of purchasing!!
Nice update. I cant wait for the next gamebook.
Ive replayed this book at least 50 times but can never solve it. Ive even started the book with maxed out scores and still cannot beat the book. Very frustrating. The one true path must be obscurely hidden in the book -- Ive tried everything, it seems. Playing this book became a waste of time. Not recommended.
Have to agree with the other review about the game being frustrating. Tried to complete on Classic - died more times than I can count. Even on Casual I havent been able to beat it even though Ive spent hours. Great writing, though! Will continue buying these interactive books.
This book is more difficult than book #1. However, it is not impossible. Just really hard. I didnt have too many problems reaching the end. The larger challenge is to limit the number of battles you get in so that you still have HP left for the obscenely hard boss battles at the end. Hint: play smart, not hack-n-slash. Thanks for another great game book,TMG.
Not quite as great as book one, not quite as organized in its flow or story telling, and I know I would get a lot out of a second play through, but overall I still thought it was quite good. The final boss battles were really hard and really fun. Well done. Good use of the bookmarks is key. I won in classic mode. I liked it!
Really didnt like this one - very frustrating. Even on casual, I could not get the good ending without cheating. The path you must take is extremely narrow and deliberate, and tasks must be completed in the exact right order, or you fail. Even doing all the right tasks, but out of order, will lead to fail.
When I read the lengthy introduction, I was afraid this gamebook would be a dense, Tolkien-esque adventure. Not at all! After my companions are killed off, this "book" isnt burdened by even the semblance of a tedious story. Instead, Im taken through battle after glorious battle, always on the verge of death, while also being subjected to brilliantly-concocted brain teasers like, "Do you want to go through the first door, or the second door . . . or the fifteenth door . . ." This gamebook has all the qualities of a great dungeon crawler video game without all of those annoying graphics. Well done!